Service Robotics LAB

Service Robotics LAB


In 2015 at EPU was established a Laboratory of Service Robotics. The Laboratory main research areas are related to nearly all aspects of robotics such as control of robots, sensors and sensory systems, mechanical structures in robotics, industrial robots, and service robots in the field of medicine, ecology and education. According to the vision of the EPU (harmonized with the European Research Program Horizon 2020, COST and ERASMUS +) the Laboratory is developed as a European Centre on Robotics, working on the design, development and study of new prototypes of service robots for elderly and disabled care, personal robots, mobile robots and robots for entertainment, leisure and hobby.

Currently, Service Robotics Lab is a project coordinator of the project № DN 07/23-15.12.2016 "TELECONTROLLED SERVICE ROBOTS FOR INCREASING THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF ELDERLY AND DISABLED" funded by National Science Fund as well as project member of COST Action CA16116 "Wearable Robots for Augmentation, Assistance or Substitution of Human Motor Functions".

The head and the members of Service Robotics lab have previous experience as national coordinator of the 7th Framework Program (FP7) project "Multi-Role Shadow Robotic System for Independent Living (SRS)" THEME [ICT-2009.7.1], PROJECT № 247772 and Project coordinator of the Project: “Increasing the efficiency and quality of education and research potential in the field of System Engineering and Robotics” № BG051PO001-3.3.06-0002, funded by Operational Program “Development of Human Resources”.

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