Doctor Honoris Causa


Mr. Lothar Dirk Nahrstedt

Mr. Lothar Dirk Nahrstedt, an energetic entrepreneur, who was and is successful as a managing director, railway operations manager, appraiser, and expert during his more than 40 years of business in the railway industry. Under his leadership, rail transport services were newly created in Europe in the Czech Republic, Poland, the Netherlands, and Germany.

He founded several railway companies. Mr. Lothar Dirk Nahrstedt has distinguished himself with numerous activities, particularly in training and further education. He was a long-time lecturer for local rail passenger transport at the West Saxon University of Zwickau. At the same time, he taught as a lecturer and examiner at several railway educational institutions. In 2017 he was co-founder and partner of the North German Railway School (NEF). Since then, people from more than 20 countries have been trained in railway professions at the NEF. One focus is the training of train drivers with EU driving licenses.

Dr. Ghaith Ghanim Al-Suwaidi

Dr. Ghaith Ghanim Al-Suwaidi is an intellectual, lecturer, academic leader and public figure of worldwide significance. He was born on 3rd July 1973 in the Kingdom of Dubai. He was awarded Doctoral’s degree in political science from the University of Cambridge, UK. Dr. Al-Suwaidi started his professional and civic experience at the Human Rights Department of the Kingdom of Dubai, and later on, he headed the first government and secular human rights institution in the Middle East – a model highly appreciated by the United Nations. Presently, Dr. Al-Suwaidi is  Head of the largest Academy of Dubai and he is the President of Zayed Foundation for educational projects. At the same time, he is Chairman of the Human Rights Department of the Kingdom of Dubai and a member of the High Council of UAE, the equivalent of the Council of Ministers. Dr. Al-Suwaidi is an innovator and bearer of the idea of global regulations on human rights as an instrument against isolation and any type of discrimination. The cause for which he pays for his efforts and funds arises from his understanding that all people are entitled to a better quality of life. He developed a unique model for the exchange of best international practices, which could lead to sustainability of democratic change, including new public attitudes in defense of human dignity. For his contributions to the University’s mission to establish itself as an international academic center with a multinational student community of different ethnicities, religions, and cultures, on June 11, 2011, the Academic Council awarded Dr. Ghaith Ghanim Al-Suwaidi the title ”Doctor Honoris Causa” of the European Polytechnical University.


Prof. Rao Surampali

Prof. Prof. Rao SurampalliUSA, elected as Doctor Honoris Causa of EPU at the meeting of the Academic Council of the European Polytechnic University, by Protocol No. 1/18.02.2015. Prof. Prof. Rao Surampalli is a world-renowned expert in the field of environmental engineering, including green building, bioenergy and fuel production. He is the President CEO and Chief Technology Officer of the World Institute for Energy, Ecology and Sustainable Development, an institute engaged in technical and research activities for sustainable development. He is the author of over 600 technical publications, including 16 patents, 16 monographs, 108 monograph chapters, and over 250 articles in specialized global journals. He has presented over 100 plenary papers at major international scientific and engineering forums. Prof. Rao Surampalli a member of the editorial boards of many national and international journals, as well as on the boards of scientific and professional organizations, including serving as an ex-president of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Committee on Certification of Civil Engineers. Prof. Prof. Rao Surampalli has received numerous awards and honors. He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Russian Academy of Engineering, etc.

Academician Yachko Ivanov, prof, Dsc.

Acad. Yachko Ivanov - Bulgaria, elected "Doctor Honoris Causa" of the EPU at a meeting of the Academic Council of the European Polytechnic University, with minutes № 2 / 03.06.2015 Academician Yachko Ivanov graduated with a master's degree from the University of Civil Engineering Odessa. He received his scientific degrees in established scientific academies: Ph.D at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences; Dr.Sci. at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Since 2006 he has been an honorary doctor of VFU "L. Karavelov", Sofia.For many years he has been teaching courses in: building materials, rheology of suspensions, rheology of composite materials, concentrated disperse systems, special composite materials, mechanics of polymers, durability of polymer composites, sustainable construction, etc. He has lectured at many universities and research centers in the United States, Canada, China, France, Australia, Russia, Sweden and more. countries. He was a visiting professor at McGill University (Canada) and a professor at the Ecole des Mine de Doriai (France). He has been the supervisor and consultant of more than 20 doctoral students from Russia, Poland, France, Canada, Bulgaria and others.Researchers from France, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and others have specialized with him. He has published three books and over 250 articles in magazines and proceedings at international congresses and conferences. His research results have been implemented in numerous research projects. He participated in the development of 39 research projects, and was the project leader of 22 projects. These are projects with concluded contracts with companies, BAS, Committee for Science and Technology, National Fund for Scientific Research, USA, Canada and Russia.His expert activity is large in scale - more than 60 expert reports and expertise in the last 5 years for the purposes of the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, former Ministry of Chemical Industry and others. Acad. Ivanov is a member of a number of prestigious scientific organizations: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; International Engineering Academy; New York Academy of Sciences; European, American, British, French and Bulgarian rheology societies. civil engineers - veterans, deputy chairman of the EUREKA Foundation, etc.
Acad.Ivanov is the editor-in-chief of "Journal of BAS" and "Series on Biomechanics" and a member of the editorial boards of "Reports of BAS", "Journal of time dependent materials Springer's", "Journal Theoretical and applied mechanics, building materials and structures, technosphere" . Currently, Academician Ivanov has been the head of the Department and the Civil Engineering Program since the establishment of the University.

Prof.Stefan Popov, PhD

Prof. Stefan Popov is the first awarded the honorary title “Doctor Honoris Causa” of European Polytechnical University. He was born on 5 July 1936. Prof. Stefan Popov is a Professor at EPU, a founder and head of “Architecture” major. He has taught architecture and has been guest-lecturer in Istanbul, Houston, Blacksburg, New York, Berlin, etc. He has won many architectural competitions, as well as insignia of honor from the American Institute of Architecture. Prof. Popov has been a laureate of national and international awards. He has special scientific interest in the field of methods of architectural design and training. He has more than 250 projects implemented and more than 90 scientific publications and reports. One of his most famous monographs is “Methods of Architectural Design” (1983) and “The Dwelling Place as a Pleasure” (2009).

Dr. Ghaith Ghanim Al-Suwaidi

Dr. Ghaith Ghanim Al-Suwaidi is an intellectual, lecturer, academic leader and public figure of worldwide significance. He was born on 3rd July 1973 in the Kingdom of Dubai. He was awarded Doctoral’s degree in political science from the University of Cambridge, UK. Dr. Al-Suwaidi started his professional and civic experience at the Human Rights Department of the Kingdom of Dubai, and later on, he headed the first government and secular human rights institution in the Middle East – a model highly appreciated by the United Nations. Presently, Dr. Al-Suwaidi is  Head of the largest Academy of Dubai and he is the President of Zayed Foundation for educational projects. At the same time, he is Chairman of the Human Rights Department of the Kingdom of Dubai and a member of the High Council of UAE, the equivalent of the Council of Ministers. Dr. Al-Suwaidi is an innovator and bearer of the idea of global regulations on human rights as an instrument against isolation and any type of discrimination. The cause for which he pays for his efforts and funds arises from his understanding that all people are entitled to a better quality of life. He developed a unique model for the exchange of best international practices, which could lead to sustainability of democratic change, including new public attitudes in defense of human dignity. For his contributions to the University’s mission to establish itself as an international academic center with a multinational student community of different ethnicities, religions, and cultures, on June 11, 2011, the Academic Council awarded Dr. Ghaith Ghanim Al-Suwaidi the title ”Doctor Honoris Causa” of the European Polytechnical University.

His Eminence Dr. Theodosius Atallah Hanna

His Eminence Teodosios is the guardian of the Christian faith, internationally recognized intellectual, public, government and academic leader. He was born in 1965 in Galilee, graduated Theology at the University of Thessaloniki, in 1991 began to serve in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Later Patriarch Diodorus did ordain and made a spokesman for the Orthodox Church in Jerusalem.

Dr. Nasr Abdalah Ali Elmallah

Dr. Elmallah was awarded Doctor’s degree in Economics and International relations gained extensive experience in marketing and management of international companies, organizations, and large strategic projects. He is a businessman, an owner of some companies in Bulgaria and Libya. Dr. Elmallah Actively promotes financial and educational social organizations in different countries, he is also a Deputy Chairman of the Bulgarian-Libyan Friendship Society in Bulgaria. The official ceremony for awarding of insignias of the honorary title to Dr. Elmallah took place during the official commemoration of the second anniversary of the European Polytechnic University on June 10th, 2012.

Dora Bakoyannis

Dora Bakoyannis is a Greek politician, a former Minister of Foreign Affairs, President of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Mayor of Athens (2003 - 2006) and a member of the Greek Parliament for three terms. She is the first woman, elected Mayor of Athens and the first woman, occupied the position of Foreign Minister of Greece. In 1992 she was appointed Minister of Culture until the elections in 1992 when she was re-elected as a member of the Greek Parliament. As a mayor, she had significant achievements. She was heavily involved in the preparation of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games and the fight against terrorism. Ms. Bakoyannis followed her policy from the time she was Minister of Culture, for changing the lives of the citizens, modernization and improving the appearance of Athens, she also drove the ambitious project for the unification of archaeological sites.


Prof. Gabriel Rusu

The university honors an energetic border crosser between business and science who, despite his numerous activities, has not lost sight of his fellow human beings. As founder and managing director of a distance learning higher education institution, Mr. Gabriel Rusu was nevertheless involved in environmental protection and medical projects.

Despite his entrepreneurial obligations, his professional political commitment was not neglected.

Mr. Rusu is also the founder of the VUI Higher Education Institution and the Swiss Medical Academy.

This work owes him fundamentally new questions and approaches to blended learning.

Our university therefore awards Mr. Gabriel Rusu the title Doctor honoris causa for his symbiosis of innovative actions in his field, entrepreneurial thinking and human action.



 Dr. Robert Eadie

Dr.Robert Eadie was the Chair of the Northern Region of Engineers Ireland from 2017-2019. He still is involved as a committee member having served in most committee roles since 2011. He has represented Engineers Ireland on the Construction Professionals’ Council of Northern Ireland (CIC NI Region) since 2011. This group consists of 18 professional bodies and lobbies  the devolved administration in Northern Ireland on matters relating to the construction industry, such as procurement, skills and legislation. He is also a Chartered Engineer with the rank of Fellow in the United Kingdom through the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transport (CIHT) and the Republic of Ireland through Engineers Ireland (EI). He is also qualified to work in Europe and is registered in the European Register of Engineers (Eur Ing). Dr.Eadie is a full member of the Project Management Association. Dr. Eadie serves on the CIHT Regional Committee for Northern Ireland and was a member of a number of subcommittees. In his current role as Academic Head of Civil Engineering and Head of the Master's Degree Program in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering at the University of Ulster, he is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and a Fellow at the Center for Higher Education Research and Practice. (FCHERP).He defended his doctorate in art design and the built environment with the John Wylie and Sons Award for Best Literature Review from the University of Ulster in 2009. Dr.Eadie was awarded two additional prizes for his work at Master degree level – the Best student in Project Management by the Association for Project Management in Northern Ireland and the Lafarge Ireland Award for Best Project. He spent 20 years in the construction industry and worked in consultancy, on site and in the public sector, before moving to academia. His research focuses on BIM, Procurement and Pedagogy and he has over 80 scientific publications. He was a founder member of the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (Conseil International du Bâtiment)(CIB) TG83 and is a co-author of the report on e-business in the Bulgarian construction industry. In memory of Tsvetanka Lilova, Dr.Eadie has awarded an annual prize to the best student of Civil Engineering at the European Polytechnic University (EPU) and supported the cooperation between the University of Ulster and EPU.


Prof. Hristo Hristov, Dsc.

Prof. Hristo Hristov is the author of the project for the opening and establishment of the European Polytechnic University and is its first rector. He was born on March 7, 1939. He graduated with honors as a telecommunications engineer from the Sofia Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (1962). He has a PhD from the Moscow State University of Transport. He is a professor at the Technical University - Sofia. where he also defended the scientific degree "Doctor of Technical Sciences". His research interests are related to highly responsible telecommunications, security systems, reliability and security of communications and more. He has lectured at 5 universities in Bulgaria and abroad.Prof.Hristov has published of over 320 scientific articles and reports in 16 countries. He is the author and co-author of 31 books, textbooks, monographs and reference books. He was dean of the Faculty of Radio Electronics. Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Executive Director of the National Accreditation Agency. Prof.Hristov is a holder of university and state honorary titles and awards.



Assoc. Prof. Plamen Vatchkov, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Vatchkov graduated the Moscow Power Institute in Industrial Electronics. In 1977 he received a PhD from the same institute and in 1986 as been elected for assoc.professor. He specialized in the field of Microprocessor devices - France, in  Management – USA and in Quality Management - Japan.

His professional carrier has started as Research fellow in the Institute of Technical Cibernetics and Robotics of the Bulgarian Academy of Science. Then he has been managing the greatest state company for Microcomputers and reached the position of Chairman  of the State Agency of Information Technologies and Communications.

Currently Assoc.Prof. Vatchkov is a Member of the Balkan Academy of Science and Culture, a  Full member of the World Science Academy of information security and a Member of the Academy Council of the European Polytechnical University.  

Markus Koerner

Markus Körner 

        Mr. Körner is an energetic, interdisciplinary entrepreneur between business and science. 

As the founder and managing director of two companies, Mr. Marcus Körner is still actively involved in the care of patients with intensive care and ventilation, which is especially relevant in the conditions of the Covid pandemic. Despite his entrepreneurial responsibilities, his professional commitment was not neglected either. Thus he founded the first independent practice in the field of respiratory therapy. With this project, patients are treated with respiratory therapy faster and more effectively in the outpatient sector. Within this project, fundamentally new issues and approaches in the field of respiratory therapy have been developed. The effect of the project works has a positive effect, which is expected to have international recognition.

       Mr. Körner is also one of the co-founders of the DQNI Institute, which runs on a voluntary basis to promote quality in outpatient care.

Emeritus Professor Anthony Grenville Shannon

  Emeritus Professor Anthony Greville (Tony) Shannon was born in Mosman, Sydney, on 30 September 1938. His employmenthas included school teaching in Sydney and London, the Royal Australian Navy, and as a mathematician in universities (mainly the University of New England and University of Technology, Sydney, where he was the Foundation Dean of the University Graduate School) and hospitals (Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick, and the University Hospital, Cardiff, Wales). Other professional experience has included the Australian Council for Educational Research in Melbourne, and as an Australian Research Council Industrial Fellow with the TCG Group of Companies in Sydney.

As well as being educated in Sydney (first degree), Oxford (post-doctoral), and Cambridge (WHO Scholar), his academic visits have included Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain (1981), Hong Kong Polytechnic University (1997,2001), UCLA (1975), Campus Bio-Medico, Rome (1995) and Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (PUSC), Rome (1998, 2002), a Patron of the Foundation of the PUSC, Staff Seminars at Department of International Relations Istanbul Kültür Űniversitesi, Turkey (2009), and Department of Mathematics & Computer Science Seminar, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey (2009), and Harvard (1994, 2009, 2010).

Emeritus Professor Anthony Greville (Tony) Shannon first began visiting Central and Eastern Europe in 1963. Then for an Australian it involved going through “Check-point Charlie” in Berlin, followed by long train journeys with frequent demands for passports, visas and other identity papers. His most frequent destination has been Bulgaria with nearly twenty trips to that beautiful country.

Jointly with prof. Krassimir Atanassov they are published 15 scientific books.

Eric Schöne M.A.

The European Polytecnical University honors a deserved man who, despite his numerous entrepreneurial and research activities, has contributed a lot for the prosperity and popularization of the University mission.

As a senior executive as well as founder and managing director of two companies and managing director and shareholder of further corporate holdings, Mr. Eric Schöne M. A. has consistently proven himself over the past 20 years in his complementary university education in several disciplines as well as his research collaboration both at the chair of a university and in the entrepreneurial development of research artefacts for their market implementation.

Mr. Schöne also indispensably pursues, both in his profession and in his voluntary activities, the question of how people with high and borderline talents can bring their abilities into advisory and entrepreneurial processes and, both as an expert member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and an active member of the Association of Highly Gifted People in Germany e. V., tirelessly advocates the mindful integration of gifted people and their special abilities in the economy and in the companies.

            Mr. Schöne contributes fundamentally new methodological approaches, using mental techniques for concrete decision support and for solving abstract and highly complex economic issues. In times of increasingly dynamic changes in working environments and more complex questions in highly volatile economic scenarios, the significance of this research work is only just beginning to be recognized and will hopefully have a major international impact.

Therefore the European Polytechnical University awards the title Doctor Honoris Causa to Mr. Eric Schöne M. A. for his synergetic approach to the scientific research and the entrepreneurial thinking.



Heinrich Hartmann

      Heinrich Hartmann is an energetic, experienced and successful entrepreneur as well as a committed "doer" at several, mainly non-profit, foundations in Germany. 

      He had an extraordinary career in the banking sector: from trainee to member of the board of directors. For many years, he has been increasingly involved in foundations on a voluntary basis in order to "make the world a little better" within this framework, to give something back to the world and to realise good causes within the framework of the respective foundation statutes.

      Mr.Hartmann seeks out and accompanies projects that promise good things for people and monitors their implementation. In addition, he accompanies many young people in their professional development by passing on knowledge and making recommendations. In his actions, honesty, openness and appreciation are always the top priority.

     The European Polytechnical University awards the title Doctor Honoris Causa to Mr. Heinrich Hartmann for his contribution to promote the EPU mission in Germany.

Prof. Lyudmil Dakovski, Dsc

Prof. Dakovski is a famous Bulgarian scientist and university professor. Author of more than 200 scientific publications, including more than 160 scientific articles and reports, 22 monographs, books and textbooks, 27 inventions and 9 patents abroad (USA, Germany, UK, France) in the fields of: logic circuits, digital devices, microprocessor systems.
Prof. Dakovski has an international reputation and significant contributions in the field of computer science and artificial intelligence.
He has made an invaluable contribution to the work of EPU and his selfless support of our university is an example to all colleagues




Andreas Tausch

Mr. Tausch has created a groundbreaking innovation in the field of wound treatment with wound therapy for chronic wounds with Pathelen Hybrid. This material consists of 99.99 percent silicon in a hydrophilic and hydrophobic structure and offers three impressive mechanisms of action. Pathelen Hybrid eliminates biofilm and bacteria, binds toxic wound exudate and serves as a physical barrier against the new colonization of bacteria and fungi. The therapy is based on a purely physical principle of action. In addition, Pathelen Hybrid has an extremely hemostatic effect and at the same time prevents bacterial infection in acute wounds. It leads to rapid wound closure, even in the most difficult chronic wounds, within just 1-3 months.

The achievements and inventions of Mr. Andreas Tausch are undoubtedly groundbreaking and will have a significant impact on the future of energy production, healthcare and medicine. His tireless work, creativity and commitment to science deserve the highest recognition.

Matthias Harms

Mr. Matthias Harms is a German entrepreneur who has long been very concerned about the use and expansion of alternative energy supply.

As early as 2004, Mr. Harms focused his company on renewable energies.

Since 2004, Mr. Harms has been involved in the development of the German biogas industry. From 2008 onwards, Mr. Harms accompanied numerous field trials and research projects on the subject of biogas in Latvia. In 2009, Mr. Harms, together with partners, built the first biogas plant in Latvia and was thus a co-initiator of the Latvian Biogasscene.

In the following years, more than 50 biogas plants were built in Latvia - a new source of energy for the Baltic state.

The construction of these plants secured many jobs over the years, both in Germany and in Latvia.

Mr. Harms has always aligned his company in parallel. In addition to the construction of new facilities and service, innovations were always being worked on. Our own control software was also created in- house and continuously improved over the years.

Mr. Harms' management is a perfect example of how to think long-term in order not only to expand technologies over many decades, but also to secure jobs and livelihoods.


Dr. Yuri Sokolov, PhD

         Yuri Sokolov is an expert in the field of radio electronics.

He is the owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Incotex Group, which consists of five manufacturing plants in Russia and Bulgaria and several R&D units in the field of measurement systems, electronic commercial equipment and LED lighting.

        Yuri Sokolov holds more than 200 patents, including Russian, US, European and others. He is the author of 10 scientific and technical publications.


Andreas Hanke

          Mr.Hanke is the founder and managing director of his very successful real estate group, which gains respect beyond the national borders of Germany.

          Mr. Hanke is involved in many social and sporting projects and is particularly committed to the university's social projects through a partnership.

          He received special recognition from our faculty for building up his real estate and finance sectors and setting new standards in the marketing of his companies.

          Sharing knowledge and information and answering our questions about entrepreneurial thinking will help us qualify our teaching content and set new standards.

Assoc.Prof. Alexander Yordanov, PhD

             Assoc. Prof. Alexander Yordanov is a famous Bulgarian politician. He is a member of the European Parliament - member of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs

             Assoc. Prof. Alexander Yordanov is the author of books and monographs in the field of literaratute science: Characters and ideas (1986), In the Shade of Words (1989), The Return! (2006), "Lonely and dignified. Dr Konstantin Galabov - life, work, ideas” (2012); The Unknown Alexander Karamanov - poetry, essays, diary (2018).

 He is also the author of over 250 studies and articles in the specialized literary press in Bulgaria and abroad. Participates with scientific reports in a number of international scientific conferences, including international congresses on Bulgarian and Slavic studies.

 At the same time, he published books on social, cultural, historical and political issues: "Hope against timelessness" (1993), "Let's break the script!" (2006), "Blogo, ergo sum!" (2012), "Patriotic lessons" (2019), Ukrainian Notes (2020) and others.




Neil Bush

Mr. Bush graduated from Tulane University with a bachelor’s degree in international economics and from Tulane University’s Freeman School of Business with an MBA. 
He is the third of five children of US President and Mrs. George H. W. Bush.  

Mr. Bush has been involved with energy, real estate, health care services and international business development for four decades beginning in 1980. He is the founder and chair of the George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations. 

Mr. Bush is involved in philanthropy and charity volunteer work. He chairs Points of Light and serves on the boards of the Houston Salvation Army and the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. In addition, Mr. Bush and his wife, Maria, chair the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation.

André Lienard

André Lienhard MBA is a President of the German aid organization "Deutsche Genossenschaft der Ritter des Internationales Konstantinerordens (OCM) e.V.", Bailie of the OCM of Germany and also a long-standing member of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem OSLJ.

For many years, Mr. André Lienhard MBA has been particularly committed to helping young adults to help themselves in everyday life as well as - and especially - in personal or international crisis situations (COVID/SARS19 pandemic).

Dipl.-Jur. Stefan Götzfried

Dipl.-Jur. Stefan Götzfried is a German lawyer.

He studied law at the University of Regensburg and completed his legal traineeship in the Higher Regional Court of Munich.

Dipl.-Jur. Stefan Götzfried has rendered outstanding services with his many years of specialized and international work in the field of family and inheritance law, in particular in numerous cases with references to the law of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Through his work, he has succeeded in enabling many people to make a new start, both familiarly and economically, and, in doing so, to secure a stable perspective for the best possible future, especially for the children of those involved in failed marriages and relationships.

In addition to his outstanding professional skills, especially in cases with international implications, his comprehensive humanitarian and social commitment in the field of pro bono representation and counselling of needy clients in distress as well as his diverse voluntary work in various organizations should be highlighted.


Prof. Dr. Henry Mark

Henry Mark is Professor and Dean of the Department of Traditional Medicine at VU University, The Netherlands - VU International Malta. He specializes in Chinese medicine and health management, in particular psychology. His doctorate is in social sciences. As a professor of psychology, he taught at the BHU State University of Human Sciences. He is a visiting professor at many foreign universities, including the University of Traditional Medicine in Yerevan and Arabaev University in Kyrgyzstan. He is also a permanent advisor to the Kyrgyz Minister of Health. He holds honorary doctorates from IUK International University, BHU State University of Humanities, KSU State University and Eurasia International University Yerevan. He is Honorary Dean of Progress University of Gyumri and Senator E.h. at Mashtots University. He teaches as a university professor at Warsaw Management University Collegium humanum Psych. oncology since 12. 02. 2021. 

His contribution to peace and to the freedom of scholars of all universities established in international academic centers with a multinational student community of different ethnicities, religions and cultures is internationally recognized.

 Prof. Norman Uhlmann

 Prof. Norman Uhlmann is known for his international work and conceptual developments in the field of digitalization of government and European organizations. In this context, stakeholder management has been done with health insurance companies, the telematics infrastructure (gematik) of the health care system and the DSO (German Organ Donation Foundation) and the Ministry of Health as executor of the legislative authority. As managing director of the h3ko group of companies he is also active in the concept of future-oriented and digital healthcare, the harmonization of technical solutions and the simultaneous expansion of a patient-centric landscape - as a complement to current patient care.
Prof. Norman Uhlmann is committed to sustainable management and in particular to the conservation of Europe's swamps and forests.
Not only did his versatility and tireless commitment to creating and strengthening collaboration across organizations make him deserving, but his humanitarian and social commitment, particularly his 16-year commitment as an honorary judge in Berlin and the promotion of European exchange, were also critical to our motivation for the honorary doctorate nomination.

 Dr. Raphael Röttinger

Dr.Röttinger is an expert in security management and police security with several publications in specialist books and journals - most recently also a contribution to the Federal Association of Security in the Economy. He was awarded the Facultas docendi and Venia legendi in 2023.

 From 2011 is a Managing Director of the internationally active Röttinger Group with 7 companies. His company Röttinger Sicherheit GmbH with over 500 employees in the security and guarding industry with many renowned customers worldwide should be emphasised here. This enabled him to provide EPU students with significant added value through practical experience. Despite his entrepreneurial commitments, scientific research was not neglected. He gave lectures in the fields of security technology, security management, hybrid hazard defence and crisis and emergency management. 

Dr.Röttinger is awarded due to the symbiosis of scientific research, his outstanding technical expertise, entrepreneurial thinking and human behaviour, with which he supports EPU in the pursuit of its goals and values, thereby providing it with enormous added value.

Daniel Wulfing

      Daniel Wulfing is a distinguished figure in entrepreneurship and social responsibility. He merges business acumen, gained as an office manager, with technical expertise from his computer science degree. This combination enabled him to solve complex IT and business challenges, contributing to his professional success. 

Daniel Wulfing is an example of how entrepreneurial success can be combined with profound social commitment. His varied career, both in the IT and railway sectors and in charitable organisations, demonstrates his broad skills and commitment to society. He is an inspiring role model who combines business success with social responsibility and cultural promotion, and serves as an example for future generations who wish to be successful and meaningful in his spirit and with that he is promoting the EPU mission for excellence through education.

 Prof. Dsc. Ivan Petkov

Prof. DSci Ivan Petkov graduated chemistry in 1974 from the University of Sofia, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Department of Organic Chemistry. His scientific interests are still in the field of organic photochemistry and namely on the influence of the UV light on organic materials, polymer films.  High sensitivity and multifunctional characteristics of such organic compounds and systems becomes a primary requirement in the design and development of materials for microelectronics and photonics, for analytical chemistry, biochemical and environmental sensors and indicators, solar (effective UV protector for human skin from solar irradiation) and gamma dosimeters.

The investigations of prof. Petkov are in collaboration with other scientists in France, Japan, England, and Canada. The testimonial of that are his specializations in such famous investigation centers as Nuclear Scientific Centre in Saclay, France, Research Institute of electronics in Hamamatzu, Japan, Laval University in Quebec, Canada, University of Amsterdam, Nederland.  

 During his carrier prof. Ivan Petkov is Vice Dean and Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Chief of the Department of Organic Chemistry and Vice Rector of the University of Sofia, Head of the newly established UNESCO Department of Ecology of the University of Sofia.

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