Doctoral Program














3 /three / or 4 /four/ YEARS




The doctoral program in Green Energetics from a professional direction 5.4. Energetics has been developed in accordance with the modern achievements of science and covers:

Energy efficiency and alternative sources of energy with reduced harmful emissions for the so-called Sustainable Development;

Alternative sources of energy such as sun, wind, water, geothermal energy, biomass, energy from tides and tides, difference in the temperatures of different layers of the ocean, hydrogen technologies, etc., as well as new cutting-edge technologies for its extraction.

Research, design and operation of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly systems and facilities

The storage of energy produced by alternative energy sources, nuclear energy and conventional energy sources related to latent storage systems

The direction related to biomass and biofuels - alcoholic fuels.

Hydrogen technologies and the use of hydrogen as an ecological fuel.

Absorption of solar energy - solar cells and photovoltaic systems,

Green energy and circular economy.

European legislation for green energy management.

Legal aspects of green energetics.

The Green Pact and the circular economy – legal aspects

European legislation on energy with zero net emissions

Legal aspects for building the energy communities in Bulgaria and in other European countries

Legislative framework for the internal and external energy market,

Environmental and economic benefits of using green energy

The European green pact - modern and competitive economy

Legislation in line with EU climate goals .

These areas are extremely important for modern development.

Doctor's program by Green Energetics is created for _ Yes satisfied the needs on the higher ones schools, scientific and state institutions with specialists in the field on the green one energy. The qualification characteristics, study plan and curricula for the PhD program Green Energetics are in accordance with the Law on Higher education and the Regulations for its application. According to the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), the PhD in Green Energetics corresponds to reference level 8, which is in line with the level of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)).

The activity of training doctoral students to acquire the educational and scientific degree Doctor in the scientific specialty Green Energetics is organized and supervised by the Department of Green Energetics. In the Department of Green Energetics, citizens from the European Union can be trained in doctoral studies on their own . In this regard, Bulgarian citizens and citizens of other member states of the European Union, of other countries - parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area , who have graduated from foreign higher education institutions, can apply for doctoral students, after their acquired higher education is recognized in the order of the Ordinance on the state requirements for recognition of acquired higher education and completed periods of study in foreign higher schools , under the conditions and according to the order provided in these rules. The training of doctoral students in the Department of Green Energetics at the European Polytechnic University is conducted in accordance with Bulgarian legislation.


The main goal of the Doctoral Program in Green Energetics is the creation of highly qualified engineering specialists with opportunities for professional realization in the comprehensive, dynamic and perspective field of energy in general and modern energy technology, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in particular. In their specific professional appearance as constructors, designers, consultants, experts, private entrepreneurs, researchers, teachers, representatives in state and municipal administrations and in non-governmental organizations, the graduates of this specialty accept the challenges of a constantly changing natural and economic environment and set the ambitious task of making energy cheap, secure and ecological, and energy efficient and sustainable.

The program has been developed Yes everything give expanded and deepened theoretical knowledge in different directions:

- Construction on scientific competence in all aspects on the green one energy ;

  • Formation of professional readiness for independent research work;

  • Formation of skills and habits for using the means of modern information and communication technologies in scientific research activity;

  • In-depth study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of research in the field of Energy and alternative energy sources;

  • Mastering the general scientific methods for analysis and synthesis of human knowledge in the field of Energetics.

  • Modern education, modern scientific research and innovation, which will increase the number of young people capable of research work;

  • International openness to global cooperation and transnational education guided by European standards and UNESCO/OECD quality assurance guidelines;

  • Effective mobility of doctoral students, which will contribute to increasing their share in the European Higher Education Area, who have completed a period of study abroad;

  • Preparation of highly qualified scientific, research and teaching staff with in-depth fundamental knowledge on the basics of modern energy , alternative energy sources, economic and legal aspects of the modern development of green energy, as well as on issues related to environmental protection.

  • Developing new laboratory skills in performing analyses; development of new analytical methods; tests of materials, raw materials, products and semi-products used in energy and related fields.

  • Acquisition of knowledge and skills in the application of results of fundamental research in energy , development and implementation of new green technologies.

  • Achieving a qualification that ensures successful work in market economy and circular economy conditions .

  • Building relationships and competences in terms of environmental protection, environmentally friendly lifestyle from an energy point of view , development of new harmless and waste-free " green " technologies in energy .

  • Improvement of language training in connection with obtaining up-to-date information on the subject being studied, including foreign language literature.

  • Encouraging the mobility of doctoral students between countries and facilitating their studies, which is a key element of the EQF for reference level 8 (corresponding to the NQF).


Successfully obtained PhD in Green Energetics Engineers

  They will have: Basic knowledge of mechanical engineering, technology and electrical engineering. In-depth knowledge of energy conversion and its application in the implementation of renewable energy sources, taking into account the main natural and engineering-technical aspects. Very good engineering training for the planning and operation of facilities for the use of renewable energy sources and improving the efficiency of energy use in industry and the home. Solid scientific training. European policies and standards. National and European patent legislation and intellectual property protection.

They will know : Modern management and economic theories. The specifics of energy management. The methods for formulating and implementing strategies, energy business plans, programs and projects. Best Available Technologies (BAT).

They will be able to: Apply engineering solutions to problematic aspects of renewable energy sources and use appropriate modeling, simulation and optimization methods for different renewable energy sources. To analyze and evaluate from an energy, economic and constructive point of view projects for facilities and operation of renewable and conventional energy sources, as well as to plan and conduct research in this area. To work in a team when solving tasks of an interdisciplinary and international nature in the conditions of economic and political framing. To apply the learned theoretical knowledge and practical experience to solve the problems of practice. Formulate goals and strategies, develop plans, programs and projects. To participate in the development of company, regional and national energy strategies. To realize fruitful contacts with their partners from the country and abroad. To plan and organize their own career effectively. To use a variety of scientific and practical sources of information and to work with them independently. Yes demonstrate creativity at planning and successful realization on contemporary the scientific ones research with current topics in the field of energy. To demonstrate interpretive competences, both of own research and of researched perspectives, demonstrates skills in broadening the scope of the scientific field being studied; uses scientific language and style, manifested in accurate handling of scientific terminology, clarity and logical consistency in the presentation of facts and results.

In view of the problems noted above, the mission of ONS Doctor is to select and prepare personnel with potential in research work, to provide training for obtaining specialized scientific knowledge that will contribute to the development of fundamental and applied research in the field of Energеtics, to continue and develop the tradition created at EPU for research in the field of Alternative energy sources, to create continuity between generations of scientists participating in the process of scientific work.

The doctorate on the one hand is aimed at studying the achievements of science in a given field of scientific knowledge, and on the other hand - at showing the creative possibilities of the doctoral student for his own scientific achievements and contributions.

The formulated goals for working with doctoral students are in line with the EPU Development Strategy . In this regard, the main task of the European Polytechnic University, respectively the Department of Green Energetics, is to provide training for doctoral students in the field of higher education Energetics, corresponding to the high requirements of the modern development of education in the country and the need to directly link scientific theory with the specific needs of the practice. Such an approach is also necessary in the context of Bulgaria's membership in the European Union. The recommendations of the European institutions refer to strengthening the integration between higher education, research and practice in order to transfer scientific knowledge and ideas, solve specific practical problems and tasks with the help of scientific approaches and methods and ensure the preparation of scientific staff, adequate to the needs of the labor market. This requires the implementation of an active and purposeful policy regarding the preparation and formation of research potential. In this sense, the implementation of the overall training of doctoral students and their formation as researchers and specialists has the task of satisfying the needs of science and practice. Increasing the quality of scientific research, its internationalization, on the one hand, and on the other hand, increasing the quality of education of students and doctoral students can be achieved through:

  • Relevant existing and future modern educational and scientific infrastructure;

  • A highly specialized staff of qualified teachers and researchers;

  • Innovative research in priority scientific areas;

  • New modern methods and technologies for efficient and transparent management;

  • Integration of teaching, learning and scientific research based on solving specific goals and tasks related to the development of the University;

  • Priority creation of a competitive environment of ideas, technologies and scientific and educational products.

The doctoral graduate should be a prepared specialist with a high qualification and have the following competencies:

  • to carry out independent scientific research requiring fundamental training;

  • to have in-depth specialized knowledge in the professional field of Energetics, field of higher education Technical Sciences;

  • to master the technologies for conducting modern scientific research;

  • to be prepared for scientific and pedagogical work in higher and secondary special schools;

  • to be able to be a leader or member of a scientific team on scientific research projects related to the framework agreements of the EU, NATO, the National Fund for Scientific Research, etc.;

  • to be able to develop and offer methods and technologies for scientific research in the professional field of the Energetics;

  • to be able to lead or participate in groups developing educational and methodological documents in the field of higher and secondary education;

  • to carry out expert work, to participate in the work of scientific councils, seminars, scientific conferences.

  • to master a scientific presentation style (written and spoken) and to present one's thoughts coherently, logically and exhaustively;

  • to describe and communicate scientific research by accurately, clearly and succinctly stating the main objectives and their possible applications;

  • to compile and read applications, schemes, diagrams, etc., with which to illustrate, interpret and analyze the obtained results;

  • to cite foreign scientific research in good faith, to observe the rules of scientific ethics and to relate creatively to the scientific research of other scientists;

  • for strict adherence to the requirements for formatting scientific articles, announcements, reports, studies and others;

  • for a presentation with modern audiovisual means and to emphasize the connection of one's own research with the results obtained by other authors (before him or in interdisciplinary sciences);

  • to establish professional contacts with colleagues and scientists from different countries, to be interested in international scientific exchange;

  • to creatively and constructively accept the critical notes and base on them further scientific searches and researches;

  • to develop, improve and implement scientific achievements in practice;

  • for the formation of the ability to discover the interactions, interrelationships and trends of the researched problems and to use them in their scientific research;

  • for self-orientation in modern scientific problems and logical selection of those areas in which the doctoral student should deepen his training in accordance with the content of his scientific research.


Training in the Green Energetics doctoral program is in its entirety in the areas of - solar energy, biofuels, hydrogen technologies, wind energy and renewable energy management and is not widely distributed in Bulgaria. In the individual technical universities, doctoral programs have been developed in most cases on the individual issues of the subject. Moreover, the term Green Energetics is not familiar in doctoral programs. In this regard, the current problems and urgent tasks that should be solved in the study of the doctoral program in Bulgaria on Green Energetics, impose the need for close cooperation between the university and the institutes of the BAS. The development of open programs based on interaction with companies and firms in the respective fields is particularly relevant and important. This is the only way to solve the issue of the close connection - business education and the training of specialists with a business-oriented orientation. It is expressed in the exchange of experience regarding the organization of doctoral training, the updating of study plans and programs, the possibilities for the implementation of joint events.

A specific feature of the doctoral program in Green Energetics at EPU is the introduction of the following compulsory disciplines in the standard curricula:

  1. In rule on projects in the field of Green Energy.

  2. Specialized technical foreign language.

  3. Elective subjects related to the developed topic.

In this regard, in view of the specifics of the training in the Green Energetics doctoral program , courses with such a focus have been set. This decision of the AC was dictated by the need to better integrate the doctoral programs of the university into the European educational space and to improve the possibilities for future professional realization of the doctoral students.

In addition, a mandatory element of the individual plan of each doctoral student is his participation in projects led by qualified professors. This allows the doctoral student to develop current and significant problems on a project basis, to finance both his participation in international and national conferences and scientific-practical seminars, as well as publication in periodicals and electronic editions at home and abroad. This is a guarantee of improving the quality of his training.

The admission and training of doctoral students is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Institution and the Regulations for its application, the Regulations for the organization and activities of the EPU, the Regulations for the admission of doctoral students and specialists, the Regulations for the organization of the educational process and keeping the educational documentation of the EPU .

The regular and independent form of doctoral studies last up to 3 years (with a minimum period of study of 2 years), and the part-time and remote - with a duration of up to 4 years (with a minimum period of study of 3 years).

The training of doctoral students is carried out according to an individual study plan and includes preparation and passing of exams, pedagogical activity and defense of a dissertation work. The number of exams that are taken during the training of the doctoral students according to the individual study plan, according to the decision of the Academic Council, are between four and six, one of them must be related to the management of educational and scientific projects and one is in a foreign language . The Academic Council (AC) of EPU elects the scientific supervisor - a habilitated person or doctor on the proposal of the Department of Green Energetics. The individual study plan is drawn up by the research supervisor with the participation of the doctoral student and, after its discussion in the department, is approved by the AC.

The individual study plan defines:

the topic of the dissertation work;

the distribution of all activities by year;

the exams and the deadlines for taking them;

attending a certain cycle of lectures and exercises, participating in courses, seminars, conferences and other public scientific events;

teaching activity;

the stages and deadlines for preparing the dissertation work.

A dissertation is a research paper or an original scientific achievement aimed at solving scientific or applied scientific problems. It contains an original contribution to science or its applications and shows that its author has a deep theoretical knowledge of the relevant specialty and an ability for independent scientific research.

At the end of each year of study, a meeting of the department council discusses the implementation of the individual plans of the doctoral students and accepts their reports on the work done and the status of the doctoral studies, as well as a proposal for certification of the doctoral students. The AC approves these reports and carries out an annual attestation of the doctoral students.

The university provides the doctoral students with the material base and funds necessary for the development of the dissertation work.

The funds for the financial and material provision of the dissertation works are approved annually by the head of the relevant department and the AC. The financing of the experimental work for each dissertation work is carried out according to a separate annual plan-account, approved by the head of the department and the rector.

All materials on the training of doctoral students are stored in the personal files of doctoral students in a specialized administrative unit at EPU.

EPU has cooperation with various institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, as well as successful international cooperation. These connections contribute to the mobility of the academic staff and to comparing the study documentation with that of similar specialties for the ONS " doctor" from our and foreign universities .

The academic management of the Study Program, according to the Regulations for the Organization and Activities of the University, is entrusted to the Head of the Program and the Program Council, which in this part fulfills the traditional functions of a faculty council.

The curriculum of the doctorate provides:

  1. Special preparation, which covers 2 disciplines, in the field of the main subject of the Doctoral program.

  2. General educational preparation that connects to the Doctoral program.

  3. Language training - English language

  4. Freely elective training carries a certain number of credits. There are certainly disciplines here related to the latest trends in energy, the content of which is updated every year.

  5. Scientific - research activity - includes the development of the doctoral topic and shaping of the dissertation.

  6. Pedagogical activity - participation in the educational process of bachelors and masters.

  7. Participation in university bodies

The specified activities of the Doctoral program are described in an information package of the Doctoral program, which covers its study documentation: qualification characteristics, curriculum and academic standards of the disciplines. In this way, the current project meets the requirements of Article 39 para. 2 of the Higher Education, according to which the educational process is carried out according to educational documentation, which covers qualification characteristics of the department, the program board, etc., curriculum and curricula of the studied disciplines for each specialty .

The training of doctoral students in the doctoral program in Green Energetics in the professional field of The Energetics is in accordance with the requirements of the State documents of the Republic of Bulgaria, reflects the goals of the EPU Development Strategy and the Europe 2020 strategy, as well as in a number of international documents mentioned above.

Special attention in these documents is given to the need "for increased cooperation between higher education and research systems in different regions of the world". Emphasis in the future policy of the University, according to the EPU Development Strategy, is to increase the quality of scientific research, its internationalization, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to increase the quality of training of doctoral students and students. The basis of maintaining the relevance of the training of doctoral students in Green Energetics in the professional field of The Energetics is the understanding that a guarantee of modernity and effectiveness can only be given if: first, there is a process of integrating the results of modern scientific research into the educational process, and secondly, if modern means of training and ensuring the activity of doctoral students are used.

The thematic research related to the doctoral program in Green Energetics is mainly aimed at the development of alternative sources of energy in accordance with the requirements of the European Union and the new challenges in the world regarding energy problems. At the forefront is the problem with the development of energy issues affecting Bulgaria and the resolution of issues with coal plants, alternative sources of energy, hydrogen technologies, nuclear energy. At the same time, the need for highly qualified personnel in these areas in the international space is growing. This poses the acute question of increasing the quality and competitiveness of education and requires solving important tasks related to the formation of natural science literacy, the education of students and doctoral students - structure of specialties, experimental base, competitiveness with foreign universities, etc. That is why the problem of developing significant and innovative dissertation works in the field of the indicated directions is becoming more and more relevant.

The more significant innovations in the doctoral program in Green Energetics can be systematized as follows:

Educational innovations - innovative topics that meet modern requirements;

  • Development and offering of new doctoral topics in the field of alternative energy sources and environmental protection.

  • Introduction of academic standards for new academic disciplines;

  • Harmonization of scientific topics with foreign partner universities in the same profile and conducting specializations;

  • Modern methods, means and forms of training:

  • Innovative research methods, etc.

Although individually most of the individual components are known and applied, the whole is an educational innovation.

Management Innovations:

  • Active involvement of business representatives in the management of the Training Program, in State Examination Committees, in the Program Council of the scientific conference;

  • Stimulating doctoral students with bonuses - awards, specializations, participation in international forums.

  • Expansion of the academic staff with foreign academic partners and external examiners;

  • Lectures in English by the doctoral student to students and to the scientific jury with the impact of the result on his evaluation;

  • Evaluation of the quality according to a point system of regulated sources of information with different weight.


Graduates of the doctoral program "Green Energetics" can work professionally in various fields of energy and in particular in the field of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency as: Designers and constructors of energy systems. Energy efficiency consultants and experts in consulting companies. Scientists and teachers in educational institutions. Representatives in state and municipal administrations and in non-governmental organizations. Private entrepreneurs.

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