Empowering Pernik Region Students with Career Guidance and Educational Opportunities

On March 28th, 2023, the International Youth Centre-Pernik, in cooperation with the European Polytechnical University (EPU), launched a career guidance campaign for students from schools in the Pernik region. The campaign introduced various opportunities for higher education close to home.

The meetings with students were held at the "Yuri Gagarin" secondary school in the city of Radomir. The vice-president of the university, Prof. Vesko Panov, along with other representatives of the EPU, presented the specialties and opportunities they offer to young people. In an informal and casual conversation, a discussion was held about the value and importance of investing in oneself through education to be successful in the labor market.

The activity is implemented under the project "Building a Youth Centre Pernik - a model for high standards of youth work, BFP Contract No. BGLD-2.001-0001 dated 20.10.2020. The Programme Operator of the Programme "Local Development, Poverty Reduction, and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups" is not responsible for the content of the publication or any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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