Applied Computer Science

Applied Computer Science



The specific objective of the program is to provide students with knowledge, skills, habits, attitudes and values relevant to the modern rapidly developing computer systems and software technology. In order to achieve greater mobility of bachelor graduates, the emphasis is on the combination of classical knowledge and practical skills. Thus prepared graduates are ready to meet the broad needs of practitioners, and will be more adaptable to market conditions.


Bachelors will receive widespread fundamental knowledge base in the field of Informatics and Computer Science, will have the ability through self-study to improve their knowledge and skills, will possess good language skills, will master computer technology professionally, and will be able to support preparation of the level of the information society requirements. Obtaining Bachelor’s degree in Applied Computer Science requires knowledge and skills for work related to design, creation, maintenance and operation of the systems, specialized and application software and systems as well as engineering business in their implementation.

Bachelor in Applied Computer Science must:

  • possess fundamental knowledge, which gives him comprehensive picture of nature of the professional field in Informatics and Computer Science;
  • master organizational and market mechanism of their areas of operation;
  • have skills to enhance and improve their knowledge;


Graduates of specialty Applied Computer Science possess fundamental knowledge and understanding of the subject matter of the studied area. General knowledge to all graduates from the professional field Informatics and Computer Science requires Bachelor graduated in Applied Computer Science to have preparation in Higher Mathematics, Applied and Discrete Mathematics, Physics, Computer Organization and Architectures, Operating Systems, Programming, Programming Environments and Use of Computers, Economics, Technical Safety. These compulsory training courses will be enlarged with more general theoretical and practical social-humanitarian knowledge in Law, Management and Marketing, Intellectual Property and foreign language training.


Bachelor graduated in specialty Applied Computer Science at the European Polytechnical University in Bulgaria must have significant knowledge in Computer Organization, Computer Architectures, Analysis and Synthesis of Logic Schemes, Algorithms Analysis and Synthesis, Programming Languages, Data Bases, High-performance Computing Systems, Operating Systems, Object-oriented Programming, Computer Networks, Systems with Programmable Logic, Parallel Software Engineering, Software Technologies, Programming Environments, Supercomputing Applications, Computer Graphics, Programming of Embedded Systems, Intelligent Systems, Computer Modeling, Virtual Reality, Java and Script Technology, Image Processing, Information Systems and Robotics, Dependable Design of Software Systems, Service Oriented Systems Design, Bioinformatics. She/he must have overall picture of modern computer systems and programming and how to provide computer services. For mobility and to meet the specific students’ interests, blocks of electives courses are introduced in the areas of Software Engineering and Information Technology. Elective modules are open to introduction of new subjects, which can flexibility respond to needs of software market, according to dynamically changing environment in the area of information technology. In this way we provide the ability to create professionals, to cover future staffing needs in the industry.


Entered optional subjects support the realization of specialists, maintain and improve the level of foreign language and computer knowledge. The introduction of the optional subjects improve on the one hand the specialized training of students by giving knowledge, representing the upgrade mandatory for specialty courses, on the other hand cover areas with separate character.


Bachelors in Applied Computer Science should possess the following general skills:        

  • to collect and process data relevant to forming workable knowledge;
  • to read documentation describing the functionality of the different types of computer and software systems;
  • to use computers and application software for documentation and analysis of current information, access to databases, including through local networks and the Internet;
  • to know and keep the rules of technical security and fire protection;
  • to have economic knowledge and management skills;
  • to be able to work in team and to demonstrate professional ethics;
  • can communicate with both specialists and non-specialists with the exchange of information, ideas and solutions.


Bachelors of Applied Computer Science should apply their knowledge and skills with a professional approach and grounded to solve problems in the field of study. They should possess special skills in the field of design, creation, installation, operation and maintenance of application and system software. Bachelors of Applied Computer Science acquire skills for the use of technical literature and documentation in English. Bachelor of Applied computer Science must possess the following important special skills:

  • to know the basic principles, criteria and functional relationships necessary to ensure the normal operation of various computer systems and their software;
  • through diagnostic tests and analysis of results to maintain established standards in the installed software;
  • to master the computer network technology;
  • to have self-study skills.


Graduates in Applied Computer Science with Bachelor’s degree are able to perform the following activities in the field of Informatics and Computer Science:

  • Design and development of software in a wide variety of software platforms and environments;
  • Operation and maintenance of complex software systems;
  • Organizational and managerial activities in companies in the field of computer technology and other fields of professional field;
  • Work on assembly, setup and operation of application and system software;
  • Organizing, directing, control and management of activities related to the operation of computer and computerized equipment;
  • Fulfillment of activities related to the implementation of specialized diagnostic tests of computer and software systems;
  • Enhancing their skills through self-education, training, postgraduate education, continuing education in a master's degree in similar disciplines.


Bachelors in "Applied Computer Science" are prepared to work as programmers in a wide range of software languages, platforms and environments, including in the field of Supercomputer Applications, such as marketing specialists in Computer Systems, Networks and Multimedia Technologies, as well as teachers in specialized secondary technical schools after acquiring additional teaching qualification. They can work as sales representatives or distributors of application and system software, as representatives of companies involved in engineering and / or consulting.

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